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You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. We can ship products anywhere in the United States using the shipping specified at time of order. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment’s destination. Our shipping charges are determined by the total weight of your order, excluding applicable sales tax. Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please submit a message to us from the Contact Us page if you would like to discuss international ordering options. We are HAZMAT certified and ship HAZMAT materials exclusively via UPS. Allow additional time for HAZ products to properly labeled and packaged. Assume additional charges for ALL HAZ related materials.

Cost$aver Shipping Policy

*Costsaver Shipping is offered exclusively by for the sole purpose of making ground shipments of weight based items more cost efficient for our clients. If any item you add to a shopping cart in which the ground shipping cost are calculated higher than the Costsaver shipping, the lower amount will apply. Example: 1 case of fountain solution qts at 11 Lbs and 1 case of plate cleaner qts at 11 pounds may cost $21.00 to ship from location A to location B. The cost saver shipping will be $15 based on the weight of 11 to 35 Lbs. Please choose the lesser amount between ground and Costsaver on any order. Lighter weight items will normally be lower using Fedex or UPS ground rates. All rates apply to ground only. Any expedited shipping request will be billed as calculated by the real-time shipping software. Any questions regarding these options, contact us at 866-319-3334. We will be happy to assist you.

Cost Saver Rates:


Weight: 1-19 Pounds =$10.00 maximum shipping cost any USA destination 
Weight: 20-39 Pounds =$15.00 maximum shipping cost any USA destination

Weight: 40-59 Pounds =$20.00 maximum shipping cost any USA destination
Weight: 59-75 Pounds =$25.00 maximum shipping cost any USA destination
Shipping note: Website calculations of shipping are an inexact science and may not always calculate properly. Although we will always honor any completed order there are times when better rates may be available. Due to our multiple warehouse locations it is even possible your order could qualify for lower shipping cost, depending on order content, or even free delivery if possible. Never hesitate to call us with any questions related to shipping cost, we work hard to establish new customer relations and prefer not to let shipping cost to conflict with our ability to serve our customers.


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